Motivate the Mighty Middle

The program is a two-session leadership program for student leaders to develop their techniques in motivating their team. In every team, there are levels of student involvement. Leaders in a team tend to focus on the hyper-involved students by giving them praise or the less-committed students by giving them warnings. However, the majority of students in a team function at the middle level, and there are fewer known tactics to motivate the middle.

This program will explore the concept of Motivating the Middle (Adapted from TJ Sullivan) and the Situational Leadership Approach (Blanchard & Hersey) to help leaders understand how the different members of their team are motivated in a variety of ways.  With a mix of content and interactive exercises, students will be able to customize the learning to their specific team culture.

Participants will achieve the following learning outcomes:

1. Identify the levels of commitment, competence, and burnout within their group.

2. Understand the Situational Approach to leadership and the “Motivating the Middle” Approach by TJ Sullivan.

3. Identify their own leadership styles through a leadership assessment.

4. Develop a personalized approach to motivate core performers.

5. Make connections between motivation and retention.

Food will be included during the sessions and participants will receive a free shirt!

Application Details

Who can apply? Any student leader who has roles and responsibilities within a student group. This series will be the most useful to student leaders who have some influence over team dynamics.

Why should I apply? Aside from gaining valuable content about motivational strategies, you will also explore the dynamics of your own team with other student leaders. You will also be eligible to receive a UConn Leadership shirt and dinner will be served at the sessions.

Are nominations necessary? Nominations are not necessary! We welcome advisors and students to nominate individuals who may benefit from this workshop, but applications are welcome without going through the nomination process.

May I participate if I am not part of a RSO? We welcome representatives from any student group to participate, regardless of the status of their org.

May I participate if I do not have a formal leadership title in my org? This program will be the most beneficial to student leaders who have some influence over the team dynamics of their group. Participants do not have to have a formal leadership position in their group.

Apply Now

The program will run from Nov 13 and Nov 20; 6:00pm-7:15pm in Oak 401

Applications close on October 30.  Applicants will be notified of their status by November 5. They must be available to attend both sessions.

Apply Here as a Participant


Nominations are welcome for participation in the Motivating the Mighty Middle leadership program. Students do not need to be nominated in order to apply.
Nominations open from Oct 7 to October 25.
Students will only be notified that they have been nominated to apply for this program, not who has nominated them or why.

Click Here to Nominate