Leadership Certificate Series: 2024-2025 Staff and Facilitators

Alice Durso (she/her)
Major: Accounting
Class Year: 2025
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: I became a facilitator because I wanted to foster an environment where students are comfortable to push themselves to become better leaders. It’s great to witness other students’ personal development and know that you had a part in it!

Allison Johnson (she/her)
Major: Psychology
Class Year: 2026
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: It's amazing to witness the growth that happens between the beginning/end of the workshops. I love getting to help students achieve their leadership goals, in whatever capacity they are aiming for!

Elise Hurlburt (she/her)
Major: Pre-teaching
Class Year: 2027
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: I wanted to become a facilitator because of all the positive experiences gained throughout completing the series. I enjoyed each session and want to create the same environment for growth that I was given.

Kylee Vazquez (she/her)
Major: Accounting
Class Year: 2027
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: After participating in a workshop during my first semester at UConn, I knew I wanted to be more involved with the Leadership Certificate Series. Not only was it something I looked forward to every week, but I was also able to grow my confidence and develop leadership skills that benefited me when getting club positions/roles.

Sakshi Patel (she/her)
Major: Computer Science
Class Year: 2026
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: I am really excited for the facilitator position, to meet new people and have fun along our way of the semester. I wanted to be a part of this workshop as I really think this would be a great opportunity for any student to build and work on their leadership skills.

Scotty Mccabe (he/him)
Major: Statistics
Class Year: 2026
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: I enjoy being a facilitator because of the opportunity to interact with students as well as being able to learn more about leadership.

Shreya Suresh (she/her)
Major: Allied Health Sciences
Class Year: 2026
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: I wanted to become a facilitator because guiding people to know how to take lead in tasks as it is very resourceful when it comes to real life events regardless of what it is.

Silas Haley (he/him)
Major: Psychology and Philosophy
Class Year: 2025
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?:

Sonja Langford (she/her)
Graduate Assistant for Cert Series and Four Arrows
Major: Masters of Fine Arts
Class Year: 2026
Why did you choose to become a facilitator?: I love facilitating leadership workshops and challenge course team building experiences because I get to be a part of helping empower individuals to discover their strengths, collaborate effectively, and achieve their goals through engaging, experiential experiences.