Leadership Workshops and Experiences

The Leadership and Organizational Development Office is dedicated to offering high quality workshops and experiences that invite and challenge participants to explore and further develop their leadership potential as individuals and members of an organization. To learn about the various leadership workshops, topics, and experiences facilitated by our staff and available for your organization you can download descriptions of our workshops by clicking "Leadership Program Menu of Offerings" to the right or view all workshops using the links below. Additionally, our staff is happy to consult with you and members of your organization to develop customized learning opportunities around these topics or others.

Students are also welcomed to sign up for our semester-long Leadership Certificate Program, at no cost.

Please email us at studentleadership@uconn.edu with any questions!


*Note, allow up to two-weeks for our staff to review your request*

Leadership Topics
The following topics include interactive, facilitated discussion, engaging activities, debrief questions and handouts designed to help participants understand the material. Ideal group size is between 10 and 30 students; however larger groups can be accommodated with advanced notice. A limited number of requests may be granted for the academic year 23-24.

Get Involved

Suggested Time: 30 minutes

Introductions to the various involvement opportunities at UConn, including student organizations, university programs and resources for exploring additional opportunities for co-curricular participation..

Leadership (What is Leadership?)

Suggested Time: 45 minutes- 1 hour

Explore the commonalities and differences between individual definitions and characteristics of leadership and work to create a common definition of leadership. Discussions will include personal and group collaboration and a critical analysis of the perception of leadership in society.

Leadership Myths

Suggested Time: 45 minutes - 1 hour

Using an interactive activity, explore the common “myths” of leadership (e.g. “Are Leaders born or made? Do you need charisma to be a leader?”) and be led through a facilitated discussion on the definition of leadership and characteristics of successful leaders.

(NEW) Leadership and Diversity: Unconscious Bias

Suggested Time: 45 minutes - 1.5 hours

Through a series of introspective activities aimed at helping participants to determine a short and long-term personal leadership development plan, they will explore their own values, role models, future academic and career goals, and develop a personal mission statement.

Communication (Group Communication)

Suggested Time: 1 hours

Through the use of experiential and facilitated activities, participants will explore the concept of communication= active listening and active speaking; non-verbal communication, and/or group communication.

Personal Leadership Plan

Suggested Time: 1 hours - 1.5 hours

Participants will explore their personal values, and identify what is important to them (e.g. honesty, integrity; family ; success). They will begin to understand how their core values may affect their decisions and future leadership plans.

Goal- Setting

Suggested Time: 45 minutes - 1 hour

Participants will explore various goal-setting techniques (S.M.A.R.T. goals) as well as work through activities that encourage them to set personal, organization, or professional goals. .

Effective Facilitation

Suggested Time: 1 - 1.5 hours

Participants will learn about the "3 S's" of facilitation: style, substance, student. Opportunities will be given for students to learn about facilitating activities, reflections, and discussions as well as practice their knowledge. Recommended for students that will be peer mentoring or leading group activities or discussions.

Ethical Decision Making

Suggested Time: 1 - 1.5 hours

Participants will explore the idea of ethical decision making through a series of facilitated discussions and scenarios that ask participants to challenge their ideas around values, ethics and decision-making. Emphasis will be placed on developing moral courage for future use.

Self-Awareness, Personality and Leadership Inventories

MBTI – Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Suggested Time: 1 - 1.5 hours (or can be expanded to multiple sessions)

Ideal Group Size: 15 - 25 participants (larger groups can be accommodated)

Participants will complete the Meyers Briggs Typology Indicator which is based upon Jungian psychological personality types. The MBTI sorts some of these psychological differences into four opposite pairs with a resulting 16 possible psychological types. The workshop includes discussion of these personality differences and meaning of typologies (Introvert vs. Extrovert; Sensing vs. Intuitive; Thinking vs. Feeling; Judging vs. Perceiving) as well as interactive activities designed to showcase the unique perspectives of each pair. Please note costs may be associated with this workshop.

There may be a small per person cost associated with the instrument


Suggested Time: 1 - 1.5 hours (or can be expanded to multiple sessions)

Ideal Group Size: around 25 participants or established group of 5-30. This workshop can be designed for individual needs OR established groups (organizations, staff and/or teams).

Participants will complete the Gallup StrengthsFinder Instrument that will provide insight into their top 5 strenghts, explore their personal talents, and how investments of time and knowledge into talents can create strengths. They will begin to understand the philosophy of StrenghtsQuest and the power being StrengthsBased Leadership.

There may be a small per person cost associated with the instrument

DiSC – Not currently offering

Not currently offering

Suggested Time: 1 - 1.5 hours (or can be expanded to multiple sessions)

Ideal Group Size: around 25 participants or established group of 5-30. This workshop can be designed for individual needs OR established groups (organizations, staff and/or teams).

o The DiSC Inventory is a quadrant behavioral model that examines the behavior of individuals in their environment (Dominance, Influencing, Steadiness, and Conscientious). Participants will complete the DiSC Inventory that will provide insight about their personality and how that style affects their interaction with others, and explore their leadership and managerial style.

There may be a small per person cost associated with the instrument

True Colors

Suggested Time: 1 hour

Ideal Group Size: 15 - 30 participants (larger groups can be accommodated)

Through the use of experiential activities, the workshop will explore the effects of personality differences in group dynamics, communication, and conflict. Participants will complete the True Colors personality assessment that will provide insight about their personal style of leadership (Blue, Gold, Green or Orange) and how that style affects their interactions with others.

Experiential Programs

Challenge Course at Four Arrows

Suggested Time: 3-4 hours (or can be expanded to multiple sessions)

Ideal Group Size: minimum of 12 participants. This workshop can be designed for individual needs OR established groups (organizations, staff and/or teams).

Our perspective of a Challenge Course is providing groups an experience requiring the efforts of everybody, that engages hands-on problem solving, and is deeply rooted into the process of learning. Learning about yourself, learning about others, and learning that transfers into other areas of life after the program. Our experiences are innately FUN but that is just an additional benefit to the adventure based style of programming. Our program utilizes the available high and low elements to intentionally increase engagement that is intrinsically unique.

Click here to learn more! 

Mobile Programming with Four Arrows

Suggested Time: 1 -3 hours

Ideal Group Size: 10+ participants

Four Arrows now offers “on-the-go” team building directly to your group, anywhere on campus. Whether you’re a newly-formed cohort looking to jumpstart your connections with a 45-minute introductory session or an established group or learning community aiming to enhance communication and conflict management, we’ve got you covered.

Our offerings include:

  • Introduction Programming: Perfect for groups that are just forming, this 45-minute session is designed to foster initial connections and set the stage for effective teamwork.
  • Full Value Contract Building: Create a shared commitment to teamwork and respect, establishing a strong foundation for collaboration. Perfect for cohort models and learning communities.
  • Targeted Team Building: Tailored programs focused on key areas such as communication, conflict management, and more, ensuring your team thrives. Reach out to us to learn more!

Click here to learn more!